Thursday 11 June 2015

The Book of Eli (2010)

*** out of ****

I've mentioned in this blog before about my fascination with post-apocalyptic films, dating way back to seeing “The Omega Man” when I was about 10 or 11 years old. There are a lot of good films of this type and a lot of bad ones. “The Book of Eli” is a uniquely good one.

The world came to a nuclear end as we know it 30 years ago. Much of the land is dead and useless, and humanity is very thinned out due to lack of resources. Survival is the only thing that matters, and it isn't easy as the world is dominated by roving marauders, gangs of thugs and cannibals. Eli (Denzel Washington) wants to be left alone to travel his own path, and it would be a good idea to let him, as the guy fights like a combination of Bruce Lee, Darth Vadar and Leatherface.

One man, Carnegie (Gary Oldman) has built a strong community with himself as a despotic leader, and he is obsessed with finding himself a Bible. He remembers the power of this book to lead men and he is convinced he will increase his power exponentially if he can get his hands on a copy. And when he discovers that Eli is in possession of one, he will do anything to have it.

“The Book of Eli” is fascinating in many ways. It can be seen as an action film, or a post-nuclear genre film, or even as a spiritual one. Eli was led to 'the Book' by a voice in his head and for the past 30 years has been following that voice to make sure the book ends up where it really belongs. Add to this a twist late in the film that tells you something shocking about Eli, something you would never have guessed in a million years, and it adds to the power of that message.

Not being a religious guy I still found myself moved by the strength of the characters' convictions. Mila Kunis is also excellent as Solara, an employee of Carnegie that falls in with Eli on his quest."The Book of Eli"  isn't a really great film, but it's a damn good one, which I have seen 3 or 4 times already. Very much worth your time.

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