Friday 20 November 2015

American Heist (2015)

* out of ****

I really wanted to like this movie. It stars one of my favorite actors, Adrien Brody, and it's a heist movie.  All the ingredients were there to make something really enjoyable, but instead it's a total bore and completely unbelievable. And (I hate to say it) it features a TERRIBLE performance by Brody – probably the worst of his entire career.

Brody is Frankie Kelly, who just got out prison. He comes to see his brother Jimmy (Hayden Christianson) who feels he owes Frankie a lot. Turns out that the caper Frankie went to the slammer for was one they had equal part in, but Frankie took the whole rap to protect his kid brother. Now he's out and wants to involve Jimmy in a new caper.

But since Frankie went away, Jimmy has turned over a new leaf. He has a job he likes and a girlfriend and he has no interest in getting back into a life of crime. But Frankie (predictably) manipulates and coerces him into becoming involved, and they plan the armed robbery of a bank with a few guys that are little more than small time hoods that don't care at all about them.

I won't waste a bunch of time describing this one, as the above pretty much tells the whole story. The heist itself stretches credibility beyond all limits, and despite a decent performance by Christianson (whom generally I don't find to be very talented), the film literally has nothing else going for it.   Brody's portrayal of Frankie is so over-the-top (think Dick Van Dyke in “Mary Poppins”) and stereotypical it's borderline caricature. Even a last-minute twist falls flat.

I hate to say it, but this movie simply stinks. Want to watch a good bank robbery movie? Try “Dog Day Afternoon” or “Heat”. Stay away from this one, unless you're stranded on a desert island with a DVD player and absolutely nothing else to watch.

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