Friday 25 September 2015

Spy (2015)

* ½ out of ****

I have been outspoken in the past about Melissa McCarthy and how much I detest her movies. It isn't so much her acting, it's her characters – she plays one-note, loudmouth, foul, despicable women who I couldn't imagine wanting to spend even a moment with, let alone the length of a movie. In “Spy” she almost overcomes her self-created stereotype..... then falls face first back into it.

McCarthy is Susan Cooper, a CIA operative whose duties solely involve assisting super-spy Bradley Fine (Jude Law) with his assignments. She sits at a computer, watches satellite imagery, warns him about what to look for, escape routes, etc. All fine and good, except she's head over heel in love with Fine, though he appears too dim to notice. Cooper is a “nice girl”, not terribly attractive but extremely sincere and hopeful. But when Fine is killed in the line of duty, and it would seem that all the CIA field operatives have been compromised, she volunteers to take to the field as the sole agent the enemy will not know.  Up to this point the film is funny and engaging, and McCarthy is considerably more likable than she has ever been.

…..but then she creates a new persona for her field spy, which can only be described as .... a one-note, loudmouth, foul, despicable woman. Basically, she reinvents “Tammy” (2014) although Tammy can now kick some ass. It's at this point that the film falls on its face, becoming a contest to see what insult McCarthy can come up with for the film's various characters that will be the most shocking or horrifying. It's pathetic.

There are some laughs to be had, mostly from Jason Statham as a rogue agent and Miranda Hart as another deskbound analyst, but for the most part once Susan Cooper heads into the field the whole thing loses any momentum it had. Many critics liked the film, but as with many star vehicles it relies on the performance of the primary actress, and we've seen McCarthy's act before. A lot. And it's always been a waste of time.

Funny if you are easily entertained by obvious shock humour and potty jokes. Otherwise, don't waste your time.

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