Friday 19 December 2014

Tammy (2014)

* out of ****

When is Melissa McCarthy's 15 minutes going to expire? Soon I hope. The sooner the better.

In reviewing this movie, I will try to be brief. I've already written more than it's worth.

Tammy (McCarthy) is a selfish, rude and self-absorbed loser. She works (briefly) at a fast food restaurant, is married to a man that cheats on her (but who seems totally justified in doing it), and takes advantage of everyone she knows. She is stupid, inconsiderate, mean spirited and just a flat out unlikable human being.

She and her alcoholic grandmother (Susan Sarandon) run away from home in Grandma's Caddy because they can't think of anything better to do. They hook up with a father and son combo and for some reason the son seems to be romantically interested in Tammy. This blew my mind – I mean, who wouldn't have romantic ideas about such a person, especially one who has been nothing but rude to you since you met?

They have so-called adventures. Grandma gets arrested for possession of unprescribed Oxycodone and Tommy very wisely robs a fast food joint for the bail money. They call Grandma's cousin who torches their car and throws them a huge 4th of July party. Does this seem off-the-charts insane?  In watching you will be holding your head to keep it from exploding .

This movie tries to be funny and fails. It tries to be sweet and fails. It tries to be entertaining and fails. Miserably.

Do not watch this movie. It sucks.

If my review had only been the one line in the previous paragraph, it would have been sufficient.

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