Tuesday 18 August 2015

Hot Pursuit (2015)

* out of ****

Reese, Reese, Reese. How did an actress that I enjoy so much end up in a basted turkey like this? Blackmail? One too many favours owed? Witchcraft? Because this movie is beneath the talents of an actress of your talent, and far beneath the audience's willingness to watch.

Witherspoon is Rose Cooper, a career cop with a large stick up her behind. Rules and regulations make up the whole of her personality, as she was raised by a super-cop father and she's trying to measure up. Due to an early career mishap she has been stuck in the evidence room for years, and her Captain (John Caroll Lynch) finally finds a case for her to work. They need a female officer for the team that will transport a drug informant and his wife to custody to testify at a trial. Unfortunately, the drug informant's wife is Daniela (Sofia Veraga), a shallow and pampered idiot that is more interested in creature comforts than her own safety. After cartel killers take out the husband and Rose' partner, she and Daniela are left to try to get to safety alone.

That's the summary. The script tries very hard to make the film a buddy movie, a female version of “Midnight Run”. The only problems are that the script is truly awful and the filmmaking is even worse. Fights that look about as authentic as those in a high school play, dialogue that could most kindly be described as “asinine”, and situations that only tremendous idiots couldn't think their way out of pop up again and again. Plot twists that can been seen miles away come rapid fire and in general the whole thing just leaves you holding your head so it doesn't explode.

I really don't have much use for Vergara as an actress, but Witherspoon is someone whose films I look forward to. Let's hope this dog of a movie is a blip on the radar rather than the start of a trend. Because it is simply terrible. Avoid it at all costs.

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